This is a web application project for Florida State University. I work as a full stack developer in this position, mostly working in the front-end furthering the functionality of elements on the page. Being a part of this project has taught me more about development as this was my first web application project. From this I gained skills in ReactJS and further developed my skills in CSS and HTML.
This is a web application project by Arcvale. I work on this project as a front-end developer assisting with the layout, visuals and functionality of the page displayed. Being a part of this project required me to learn Svelte and become familiar with GraphQL,as well as furthering my experience with CSS and HTML.
DrawDrills SiteThis is the website you are currently on! This entire site was coded entirely by me being developed entirely from HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Working on this project taught me how projects are developed from the beginning and how important the small details are to a website. It also pushed me to continue futhering my experience in HTML, CSS and JavaScript since I would be working on it alone.
Interactive Resume RepositoryThis is a repository for the class LIS 4381 that I took at Florida State University. This class involved application development and taught me how to develop android apps coded in Java and web applications coded in HTML, CSS, JavaScript and PHP. It also taught me how databases work to connect backend data to front end elements.
LIS 4381 Repository